ລາຍຊື່ແມ່ບົດຊະນິດພັນໄມ້ ສໍາລັບ ສປປ ລາວ


VICHITH  LAMXAY  Mr. Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.

  • M. Sc. in Biology, special on Plants Systematic. KhonKaen University. Khonkaen,Thailand in 1997 
  • Ph.D. in Biology, special on Plant Systematic from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden  in 2010
  • Plant Systematist, Flora Specialist, Ethno-botanist  and Ecology Researcher.
  • Lecturer at Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNS), National University of Laos (NUOL) 
  • Teaching and researching on the field of Plant taxonomy, Etno-botany, Biodiversity and Conservation,  Tropical Botany, Modern Method in Plant Taxonomy, Advanced Biology, Higher Plant and its Potential Value, Advanced on Living things Classification. Ecology on floristic Characters and vegetation composition.

     I‘m Vichith Lamxay, a Lao national with experience as lecturer at Biology department, Faculty of Natural Sciences, National University of Laos. I am plant systematist, Flora and its ecosystem services researcher, facilitator and trainer of Faculty of Natural Sciences. I am the National consultant in many projects and have worked for IUCN, UNDP, GIZ, WCS, WWF, WB, MORE, MOST, MOFA, WMPA, NAFRI, NUOL. I have been a long standing working for National University of Laos as a lecturer and researcher in the field of plant diversity and Biodiversity conservation since 1983. I have expertise in project specialist as a plant taxonomist, Botanical specialist and Vegetation ecological assessment.  My relevant work experience includes scientific researcher on diversity of flora and forest ecosystems analysis, NTFP sustainable uses, Plant species classification and identification, and flora publications. I have involved in more than 35 projects and also collaborate with international institutions in the field of plant systematic as the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh, UK (E), The Muséum Natonal d’Histoire Naturelle Paris, France (P), L, UPS, BKF, RPPU, HU and HCMU as well as FFS/NUOL and NAFRI. Also I had been studied on revision of genus Amomum Roxb. Zingiberaceae for the flore du Cambodia, du Laos et du Vietnam. My great honour to get outstanding researcher award in Plant taxonomic from the 20th Anniversary of National University of Laos, in 2016 and outstanding research award in natural Science of FNS in 2020 and of NUOL in 2021 on the 25th Anniversary of NUOL. My publications as scientific papers in national and international journals are more than 50 papers and I have presented my researches at national and international scientific conference more than 20 times. More information please contact: vlamxay@yahoo.com; Vichithlamxay@gmail.com; facebook: Vichith Lamxay; Tel. And whatsApp: +856 20 22245515 +856 20 58573939 or you can find my full profile at  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vichith_Lamxay.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Latsamy Boupha

MSc. In Wood Working Technology (1992, Belarussian Technology Institute (Soviet Union)

PhD. In Wood Science (1998, University Putra Malaysia)

Dean of Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos
Email: l_boupha@yahoo.com
Tel: +856 20 99801393


Assoc. Prof. Khamseng NANTHAVONG

Lecture of Biodiversity, Dendrology and Ecotourism Planning at Department of Ecotourism, Faculty of Forest Science , National University of Laos

2004 Master of Sciences on Biology at Leiden University, Netherland.

Working Experiences in Plant Taxonomy, Plant Biodiversity and Dendrology

Email: nanthavongk@gmail.com
Facebook: khamseng Nanthavong
Tel: 856 20 99650683
Work Experience: Plant Taxonomy, Dendrology, Biodiversity and Ecotourism
Development Planning

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233639651; https://www.jstor.org/stable/23617243


Mr. Singkone XAYALATH (PhD)

Forestry Research Center, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute

The Degree of Doctor of Agricultural Science (2020) at Nagoya University (Japan).

For more information please contact:
Email: singkone75@gmail.com
Facebook: Singkone Chaiyala
Tel: +856 20 554 139 06


Soulivanh Lanorsavanh (M.Sc)

Lecture of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, National University of Laos

2011 Master degree in Biology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Working Experiences in Plant Taxonomy, Plant Biodiversity and Ethnobotany

For more information please contact:
Mobile: 856-20-55209822, 22425275
E-mail: biokklano@yahoo.com, s.lanorsavanh@nuol.edu.la
Facebook: Soulivanh Lanorsavnh
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Soulivanh-Lanorsavanh


Thatsaphone Phaxaysombath(M.Sc)

2014 Master degree in Biology, Faculty of Science, Nation University of Laos

Present working in Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Biotechnology and Ecology Institute

I researched the limestone flora of Phou Hin Poun National Protected Area for on master’s thesis and on graduation joined an environmental NGO to raise awareness for the importance of biodiversity conservation among Lao urban youth. Also, I am interesting to do research in the plant life. I am currently works for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry my responsibilities in Herbier National du Laos (HNL).
Mobile: + 85620 2877 4447
Email: pthatsaphone@hotmail.com
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thatsaphone-Phaxaysombath


Mr. Khonethong Soukphaxay (MSc)
Working at Department of Forest Economics and Wood Technology, Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos

2018 to Present working at department of forest economics and wood technology, faculty of forest science, NUOL/Lecturer on wood industry machinery, wood composite technology and wood adhesive and work for VALTIP3 project funding by ACIAR/Researcher on wood/plywood properties, wood veneer and wood identify

2016-2018 Studied master degree at Nanjing Forestry University, China PR.

For more information please contact:
Email: kh.soukphaxay@nuol.edu.la
Facebook: Khone Soukphaxay
Tel: +856 20 922 44 995
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Khonethong-Soukphaxay

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-07 at 14.20.17

Biography of Mr Chaloun Bounithiphonh

Mr. Chaloun Bounithiphonh, Project Coordinator for Tree Species Master List of Lao PDR

Funded by: FAO-EU FLEGT (Direct Assistance fund)

Master Degree in Forest Ecology from University of Seoul, Republic of Korea

He has been leading Forest Ecology and Environmental research since 2006 at the Forest Research Center, NAFRI. He has served in a variety of positions ranging from assistant to manager in the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute in Lao PDR. He has worked on numerous projects funded by various donor agencies working on international collaboration.

He has extensive experience in forest resource management for rural development as well as driver mapping and participatory mitigation planning to enhance forest carbon stock and avoid deforestation and degradation. He is also experienced in agroforestry, value chain analysis, community enterprise facilitation, community capacity strengthening, community vulnerability assessment and community resilience strengthening. He has coordinated and managed numerous community development projects and research projects in forest ecology and biodiversity conservation in Lao PDR, specializing in forest ecology, livelihood development, and forest management to enhance forest carbon stock.

He has served as a team leader for a driver analysis of deforestation and forest degradation mapping, the development of a mitigation action plan to safeguard livelihoods, and a modality analysis and value chain analysis of Non-Timber Forest Products, agroforestry and village forest management.

For the Tree Species Master List project, he had been assigned to be project coordinator which had the role in management and implement research activities to develop the Tree Species Master List of Lao PDR with the group of taxonomy experts. For more information of this project as well as data of Tree Species Master List of Lao PDR, please feel free to contact information below:

Email: chalounb@yahoo.com

Mobile & WhatsApp: +856 20 22840755

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chaloun-Bounithiphonh-2


Phonevilay Sichanthongthip MSc

1996 (Bachelor of Bsc), National University of Lao, Department of Chemistry & Biology (Faculty of Science).

2008 (MSc of ENTOMOLOGY), University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB).
Working in Forestry Research Center (FRC), National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute(NAFRI), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Email: sphonevilay@yahoo.com
Facebook: phonevilay sichanthongthip
Tel: 856 20 54291072